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Package name: com.softon.darkedensd
다크에덴SD 검은 성서의 비밀 1.32.16206 time_updateVersion: | 1.32.16206 |
Package: | com.softon.darkedensd |
Root needed: | NO |
Internet required: | YES |
Size: | 1,7GB |
Price: | For VIP Only |
Support: | Android |
Categories: | Action Game |
CHPlay URL: | here |
VIP Features |
1. Android 6+ it is necessary to enable the storage & phone permissions in the app settings first
Go to Setting => App manager => Find game => Click it to enable
Then enable the storage & phone permissions. Play game but get crash.
PLEASE COPY blackmod.license files AND PUT IT IN
-> Internal memory/Android/obb/com.softon.darkedensd
If your phone have no com.softon.darkedensd folder. U can create new folder and change name it to com.softon.darkedensd
Some people like to use them Windows PC to use our MODs and keep asking us which emulator is working best. The answer is LDPlayer 9 as all VIP MODs which support emulators are tested with it.
Download: click here
Mod works on environments in which original apk works
Credits: Schmare - BlackMod Team
Preview Mod:
Game Description
다크에덴SD: 검은 성서의 비밀 GAME다크에덴의 새로운 변화! 수집형RPG 다크에덴SD!
24시간이 부족한 현생사는 뱀파이어의 세계로 함께 떠나요!
[게임 소개]
1. 무너진 성을 재건하고 높은 전투력을 위한 재료 생산
: 내가 생산한 재료를 통한 마을 재건!
2 전략에 따라 즐기는 전투!
: 나만의 팀 조합과 전투의 함성을 통한 전세 역전!
3. 시간에 따라 달라지는 특별 시스템!
: 낮에는 생산이 빨라지고 밤에는 전투가 강해진다
4. 무궁무진한 다양한 콘텐츠!
: 지하던전, 결투장, 수중탐사, 헬가든행 그리고 필드보스까지!
5. 뭉칠수록 강해지는 길드!
: 협력과 끊임없는 연구, 길드만의 이벤트 등 길드원과의 성장
[스토리 소개]
다크에덴이 존재하기 전…
슬레이어들은 멸족을 막기 위해 성서와 봉인된 룬을 숨어서 연구 중이였다.
하지만, 테페즈가 슬레이어의 비밀연구실을 급습하면서 성서를 탈취하고 힘을 사용하게 된다…
이후 성서를 모두 모은 마스터 뱀파이어 12명은 릴리스를 부활 시키기 위해 의식을 행하려 하지만 성서의 힘을 사용할 수 있다는 것을 알고 있는 테페즈를 선두로 부활 의식을 반대하는 마스터 뱀파이어와 릴리스의 부활을 염원하던 찬성파 마스터 뱀파이어들의 전투가 시작된다.
FAQ - Read References First
2- Download modded APK (Sign)
3- Install modded APK
4- Enjoy =)
2- Your device must be full patched. How to? Read: Tutorial in Here
3- Download and install unsigned APK.
Google+ login possible? Yes.
Facebook login possible? Yes.
Specific Game Account login possible (for example: HIVE)? Yes.
1- Download OBB files or DATA files and extract files zip
2 - Move OBB Files (con.xxx folder) to Android/OBB folder in your device
- Or move Data files (com.xxx folder) to Android/data folder in your device
3- Download and Install mod APK
5- Enjoy
If ur phone use Android 11. Please read it : https://blackmod.net/threads/25242/
Disable Signature Verification with Core Patch: Read tutorial in here
[Android 6.0 or Later] Need enable Permissions. Go to Settings > Manage Applications > Select App > Permissions > Grant Permission
If game have menu mod. Need enable Appear On Top (Or Allow Floating Windows) Permission
1. Find your game packpage name, Use an app on your phone.
- Install Package Name Viewer 2.0 from the Play Store.
- Scroll through the app list to find the app for which you need the package name.
You can also use the search button to quickly look for a particular application or game.
The package name is listed just under the name of app.
2. Backup your data .
- Open file manager find Android forder !
- Go to Android forder you will see two Forder name "data" and "obb" .
- Open "data" forder and find your packpage name game you want to Kepp Account (Example: com.tencent.ig).
- Rename it to whatever you like ( Example: com.tencent.ig -> rename it to com.tencent.ig.keepdata)
3. Uninstall Old Version and Install New Versions .
4. Back to file manager, Unrename your packpage you renamed in step 2 ( Exam : "com.tencent.ig.keepdata" -> rename it to "com.tencent.ig").
5. Open Game and Enjoy MOD With Your Save Data !
2. Apps (Or Appmanagement).
3. Find Your Game.
4. Press It And Chosse.
5. Appear On Top (Or Allow Floating Windows) Permission.
6. Turn On Permission .
7. Enjoy MOD !!!
Mod versions from Blackmod Team are advertised by us and shared without fee
We need money to build and develop the site and that is the way we make money.
On our site you can easily download 다크에덴SD 검은 성서의 비밀 v1.32.16206 Mod! All without registration and send SMS!
With good speed and without virus!
If you see a game update, that we do not have the ability to update, please send us the latest Apk package in Schmare profile, thanks!
- Joined
- May 4, 2023
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- 113