if someone interested for mod account chart/treatises/codex/opus...; light/shadow points...; red/green/white keys, cat tickets
this is your guy discord: Cane#2850.
especially white keys its super rare
if someone interested for mod account chart/treatises/codex/opus...; light/shadow points...; red/green/white keys, cat tickets
this is your guy discord: Cane#2850.
especially white keys its super rare
Yeah get a load of this guy! Trying to profit on the methods that's already been explained in this thread for several hundred times. If anyone falls for this and pays for anything this guy is saying, you're sucker. Just look through the thread, there are plenty of people explain clearly with video files or descriptions on how to get these items through Gameguardian exploits.
Thank you so much for your updates! The function of 65K per battle has not been updated in the last two MOD versions. May I ask if the difficulty has increased or if this function will no longer be added in the future? @Legend
It is BANNED to spam, advertise or transfer to other webs.
Crash game, black screen, white screen, can't open game, so on => make sure that you read and followed all instructions of installation at #1. If there is any error, please make a video to record all of your installation steps. Then you upload it into youtube and send comments to us.
If Menu Mod not showing, network error, connection error. Please open game & use VPN to use mod.
Always use our apk file and obb file to install
If you are a VIP Member, please follow license installation instructions in MANAGER LICENSE in web menu
If the game runs well, please leave good comments so that this can motivate modders to create better mod versions. If the game has errors, please give inbox us so that we can fix them.