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AWAITING UPDATE Game Tap Tycoon v2.0.14 MOD

Here are the versions that are in the process of waiting for an update from the modder.
Please wait patiently, do not be impatient :face25:


BMT Team
Staff member
Support Team
Jan 9, 2022
time_update *
Name: Tap Tycoon Hack Mod

Tap Tycoon Mods Feature:

  1. Mod Menu [Click Test]
  2. Money
  3. Diamonds
  4. More..

Credits: ???

Preview Mod:

Game Description

From the developers of Tap Titans, comes the world’s first country vs. country incremental game! Are you ready to lead your country to world domination?

Tap to create money out of thin air and earn enough money to invest in your businesses. Shape your multi-industry conglomerate by building and upgrading your businesses. Don’t worry, we are living in the 35th century here. You will get to invest in some mind-boggling technologies such as the anti-gravity fork, luggage shrink ray, and the holographic window view!

Armed with your Mega-dollar Empire, you will join forces with your fellow countrymen to compete globally. Every week, only the countries with the most powerful businesses will earn glorious medals and valuable rewards.

Free to play. Tap for world domination!

FAQ - Read References First

Choose the version you want to download and follow the instructions
1- Remove original game
2- Download modded APK (Sign)
3- Install modded APK
4- Enjoy =)
1- Your device must be rooted.
2- Your device must be full patched. How to? Read: Tutorial in Here
3- Download and install unsigned APK.

Google+ login possible? Yes.
Facebook login possible? Yes.
Specific Game Account login possible (for example: HIVE)? Yes.
Way 1 (root & no-root):
1- Download OBB files or DATA files and extract files zip
2 - Move OBB Files (con.xxx folder) to Android/OBB folder in your device
- Or move Data files (com.xxx folder) to Android/data folder in your device
3- Download and Install mod APK
5- Enjoy
If ur phone use Android 11. Please read it : https://blackmod.net/threads/25242/
Disable Signature Verification with Lucky Patcher: Read tutorial in here
Disable Signature Verification with Core Patch: Read tutorial in here

[Android 6.0 or Later] Need enable Permissions. Go to Settings > Manage Applications > Select App > Permissions > Grant Permission

If game have menu mod. Need enable Appear On Top (Or Allow Floating Windows) Permission

1. Find your game packpage name, Use an app on your phone.
- Install Package Name Viewer 2.0 from the Play Store.
- Scroll through the app list to find the app for which you need the package name.
You can also use the search button to quickly look for a particular application or game.
The package name is listed just under the name of app.

2. Backup your data . - Open file manager find Android forder !
- Go to Android forder you will see two Forder name "data" and "obb" .
- Open "data" forder and find your packpage name game you want to Kepp Account (Example: com.tencent.ig).
- Rename it to whatever you like ( Example: com.tencent.ig -> rename it to com.tencent.ig.keepdata)

3. Uninstall Old Version and Install New Versions .

4. Back to file manager, Unrename your packpage you renamed in step 2 ( Exam : "com.tencent.ig.keepdata" -> rename it to "com.tencent.ig").

5. Open Game and Enjoy MOD With Your Save Data !

1. Go To Setting Apps.
2. Apps (Or Appmanagement).
3. Find Your Game.
4. Press It And Chosse.
5. Appear On Top (Or Allow Floating Windows) Permission.
6. Turn On Permission .
7. Enjoy MOD !!!

Download Game Tap Tycoon HACK MOD free, only at Black Mod Team!


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